The current exchange rate for 1 Tola stands at 237820.16 Pakistani Rupees according to the open market rate. It’s important to note that the buying and selling rates for 1 Tola to Pakistani Rupees differ between the interbank and open market.
Open Market Rate of Gold To PKR
DATE: 20 December 2023 | Price: |
1 Tola | Rs. 237820.16 |
10 Gram | Rs. 203962.4 |
1 Gram | Rs. 20396.24 |
What is the Open Market rate for 1 Tola to Pakistani Rupees today?
Today the price of 1 Tola to PKR is Rs. 237820.16
What is the Open Market rate for 1 Gram to Pakistani Rupees today?
Today the price of 1 Gram to PKR is. 20396.24
What is the Open Market rate for 10 Gram to Pakistani Rupees today?
Today the price of 10 Gram to PKR is Rs. 203962.4